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Character of Rasullullah ‎ﷺ

*Summary of Iṣlāḥī Majlis by Shaykhul-Ḥadīth Ḥaḍrat Mawlāna Ādam ibn Yūsuf Ṣāḥib دامت بركاته*

4th October 2020 | 16th Ṣafar 1442AH

‎مولاي صلّ وسلّم دائمًا أبدًا

‎على حبيبك خير الخلق كلّهم

*وعن أنس - رضي الله عنه - أنّ رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قال : " من خزن لسانه ستر الله عورته ، ومن كف غضبه كف الله عنه عذابه يوم القيامة ، ومن اعتذر إلى الله قبل الله عذره*

It has been narrated from Anas R.A. that Rasūlullah ﷺ said:

_"Whomsoever controls his tongue, Allah ﷻ will conceal his faults. And the one who controls his anger, Allah ﷻ will protect him from his punishment on the day of Judgement. And the one who is remorseful over his sins, Allah ﷻ will accept his repentance.”_

Sayyidina Anas R.A., the companion who chose to serve Rasūlullah ‎ﷺ, mentioned that he served Rasūlullah ‎ﷺ for ten years but never did Rasūlullah ﷺ say ‘uf’ (a term of reproach) to him nor did he ‎ﷺ question him why he did or didn’t do any task. This is the beautiful character of Rasulullah ﷺ.

The above mentioned ḥadīth discusses controlling one’s anger. We must try our best to ensure we talk only when it is necessary. Alhamdulillah, this pandemic has bought some benefits for us; one of those being that those who live alone don’t mingle with others, resulting in them talking less.

We must not spread the faults of others. When advising one another, we should try our best to do so in accordance with the teaching of the Qur’ān. Allahﷻsays

*ادْعُ إِلَىٰ سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ*

“And call them to the path of your lord with wisdom and good advice.” (Naḥl: 25)

We should advice one another with softness and humbleness.


Ḥaḍrat Mawlāna Qāsim Nānotwi (Allah have mercy on him) had an associate who had a habit of wearing his trousers below the ankles. Ḥaḍrat wished to advise him against this (as it opposes the Sunnah command). One Friday, Ḥaḍrat was with him and said to him; “can you check if my trousers have gone below my ankles?” By way of this gesture, the associate was able to acknowledge his own mistake immediately and correct his action.

We must not make make apparent anyone’s fault to others, and should not degrade them in the presence of others. If someone conceals the fault of his brother, Allah ﷻ will in return conceal his faults.

In today’s 'Ishā ṣalāh, the following verses were recited;

‎وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكُمْ لَحَافِظِينَ▪︎ كِرَامًا كَاتِبِينَ ▪︎ يَعْلَمُونَ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ ▪︎ [الانفطار]

"And indeed, [appointed] over you are keepers, Noble and recording; They know whatever you do." (Infitār 10-12)

The angels who record our deeds are aware of our actions, and they are like tape recorders that record every action of ours without fail.

*‎مَّا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ*

_"He (mankind) does not utter any word except that with him is an observer, ever-prepared [to record]."_ (Qāf:18)

Those who lead a life of piety will be honoured with Jannah. As for those who led a life of sin, Jahannam will be their abode. Let us make an effort to reap our rewards for the hereafter.

There is an Arabic proverb regarding the tongue:

*اللسان جِرْمُهُ صغير وجُرْمُهُ كبير*

_“The tongue is a small piece of flesh, however its sin is great.”_

The tongue is such that in a moment it can take one to Jannah, and likewise it can also take one in to Jahannam. Therefore, we should think carefully before we utter anything. Let’s make an intention that from today onwards we will make an effort to do this.

*جراحات السنان لها التـئـام ولا يلتام ما جرح اللســان*

_“The wounds of the knife may heal but the wounds of tongue will always remain."_

One can forgive but they will not forget the wrong that was done to them. If someone does gheebat (backbites) regarding me, and mentions it to me, then without asking I immediately forgive them. My advice is that with sincerity, forgive one another.

There is great benefit in living in seclusion, so do so as much as possible, and do not mingle unnecessarily. There is great benefit in dunya and akhirah for a person who controls their tongue, and this will help one control their tongue.

Shaykh Sa’di (Allah have mercy on him) mentions, “have firm belief that the individual who talks to you about others, will also talk about you too.”

Haji Imdādullah on one occasion, a man came and said regarding another man, “he does zikr but not from heart”. Haji Imdādullah responded by saying, “at least he does it with the tongue (i.e. others do not even do this, let alone doing it with the heart).” In this manner, he silenced the individual from backbiting.

Shaykh Farīduddīn Attar would say,

"Nafs and Shaitan have tried to break my pathway. Oh Allah ﷻ, make easy my pathway through your Mercy. "

```May Allah ﷻ grant us the ability to practice on everything that has been said. Āmīn```

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