Hadhrat Maulana Adam Sahib Hafizahullah mentioned in Islahi Majlis on Sunday 18th November. A short summary. When a great pious person passes away, we see that sometimes there are changes in the world. When the prophet ﷺ passed away, the sahaba ra themselves said they found a change in their hearts. Since the day that the prophet ﷺ migrated to Madina Munawwarah, the place was full of nur. Every stone, rock and grain of sand was illuminated. But when the prophet ﷺ passed away they felt the nur lifted. This is in the case of the prophet ﷺ. He was the best of all mankind and the leader of all prophets ﷺ. But when the true lovers of the prophet ﷺ pass away, there is an effect of the world. This is the meaning of the saying: موت العالِم موت العالم The death of a scholar is like the death of a nation. Haji Abdul Wahhab رَحِمَهُ الله was a great person. Even though he was ill, he would give half an hour lectures to help others. All of this strength comes only from Allah ﷻ.
He spread Islam for so many years. He had also seen Maulana Ilyas رَحِمَهُ الله ! May Allah ﷻ raise his status. And may Allah ﷻ also grant us goodness like He granted him goodness. www.kalimatalhikmah.co.uk