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Treasury of our deeds

*Summary of Iṣlāḥī Majlis by Shaykhul-Ḥadīth Ḥaḍrat Mawlāna Ādam ibn Yūsuf Ṣāḥib دامت بركاته*

1st November 2020 | 15th Rabīul Awwal 1442AH

‎مولاي صل وسلم دائمًا أبدًا

‎على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم

*عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يتبعُ الميِّتَ ثلاثٌ فيرجِعُ اثنانِ ويبقى واحِدٌ يتبعُه أَهلُه ومالُه وعملُه فيرجعُ أَهلُه ومالُه ويبقى عملُهُ (متفق عليه)*

_Anas bin Mālik رضي الله عنه reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: "Three things follow the deceased. Two of them return and one remains with him. His family and his wealth and his deeds follow him. His family and his wealth come back and his deeds alone are left with him._ (Agreed Upon)

*The Grave- A Treasury Of Our Deeds*

This ḥadīth has been mentioned both in Bukhāri and Muslim. The speech of Rasūlullāh ﷺ is miraculous and concise. In brief, three things accompany the deceased to their grave; their family, wealth (which can be seen in the means of transport), and deeds. From these three, only the deeds remain with the deceased. No matter how much a person loves us, eventually, after a few hours of being in the grave, we are left alone by ourselves. A famous Arabic saying goes as follows:

*القبر صندوق العمل*

_"The grave is the treasury of deeds."_

Often, we spend time furnishing our houses but pay little to no attention to the furnishing of our graves. (i.e. performing good deeds which will help us in that place.) We are constantly involved in sins which also accompany a person to the grave and darken it for him. Sins like backbiting and slandering wash away all good deeds (like Tasbīḥāt, recitation of Qur'ān etc.)

*Contemplate: "Today" Is All I Have*

Never procrastinate in performing good. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Do the best you can for today. Many a times, we see people make plans for the morning but they pass away in their sleep and never make it to the next day. Therefore, do what you need to do *now*.

One way to make the time in the grave easy for us is to have less love and attachment for worldly possessions. Our focus should only be Allah ﷻ.

Perform Murāqabah. Reflect and contemplate: “The belongings I have, how long will it last with me? What good deeds have I sent forth to help me in my grave?” Our state should be such that the wealth we have is within our hands and pockets but not in our hearts. Shaykh Abdul Qādir Jīlāni (رحمه الله) would have a whole container and ship of goods which he traded with but he was never attached to it nor was he emotionally affected by any profit or loss. He would say Alḥamdulillāh under all circumstances.

*Detachment from Dunya*

It has been mentioned about Imām Abū Ḥanīfa (رحمه الله) that he would sometimes lend huge amounts of money to others and if they struggled or refused to pay him back, he would let them off for the sake of Allahﷻ. After his demise, the disciples of Imām Abū Ḥanīfa came across a register in which they found a list of names of poor people whose needs Imām Ṣāḥib privately funded. They included orphans, widows and students of knowledge etc. He would spend roughly 80,000 Dirhams per month in Ṣadaqah.

We may not be on their level of Taqwā but we should at least perform the basics obligations required from us. It shouldn't be that when we go through trials or feel low, we stop praying.

One way to make the scale of good deeds heavy is by seeking Istighfār (forgiveness of Allah ﷻ) sincerely from our hearts. We should constantly ask Allah ﷻ to forgive us and we should perform as many good deeds as we can. Good deeds erase bad deeds. Allah ﷻ says:

*(إنّ الحسنات يذهبن السيئات ذلك ذكرى الذاكرين)*

_"Indeed good deeds wipe away bad deeds, that is a reminder for those who remember."_ (Hūd, 114)

We shouldn't be embarrassed to ask Allah ﷻ to forgive us as Allah ﷻ sees and is aware of everything we have done. Yes, we should be humble before Allah ﷻ and show our remorse when seeking forgiveness.

*(وأخبتوا إلى ربهم أولئك أصحاب الجنة)*

_"...and those who humbled themselves before their Lord, those are the dwellers of Paradise."_ (Hūd, 23)

```May Allah ﷻ grant us the ability to practise on everything that has been said. Āmīn```

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